All accepted papers of 2025 IEEE SIST International Conference will be published in conference proceedings under an ISBN reference in paper and in flash card support and submitted for inclusion to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Paper will be accepted only by electronic submission through IEEE SIST .
At least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register as a full participant of the conference and present paper personally to have the paper published in the proceedings and be scheduled for presentation.
The 2025 IEEE SIST accepts Full Paper only: minimum of 4 pages (max 6 pages), must be written in English, and use standard IEEE two-column conference templates. For more information on the electronic submission and formatting instructions given on template are available at the conference web-page: Call For Papers
Each paper in a conference’s proceedings is required to be within IEEE’s and 2025 IEEE SIST Conference’s core technical scope of electrical engineering, electronics, computer science, and closely related areas. IEEE has identified its current scope of coverage to include broad topical areas that reflect how content is categorized in IEEE Xplore®. Further detailed information about IEEE’s technical scope, as defined in the descriptions of its technical societies’ areas of interest, is available at IEEE Societies
Papers on non-technical topics such as tourism, philosophy, art, politics, architecture, agriculture, economics, pure mathematics, pure finance, etc., that do not make use of or interact with IEEE’s primary subject areas in a non-trivial manner, are considered to be outside of IEEE’s as well as 2025 IEEE SIST Conference’s scope.
If you submit your paper to one of the following tracks, make sure that paper is not purely devoted to the economy, management, governance, education, healthcare, energy, etc., instead, it must be dealing with one (or several) of IEEE’s areas of interest using them to solve problems existing in the fields of application (economy, management, governance, education, healthcare, energy, etc.).
- Technology and Engineering Management
- IT in Education and Research
- Emerging Trends and Technologies in IT Application
- Data Science and Advanced Analytics
A conference article or paper should have the following elements:
Metadata – title, keywords, abstract, professional affiliation(s).
Abstract – a brief and objective summary that previews the rest of the paper it describes. It should be succinct yet provide enough information about the paper to facilitate a decision on whether the entire paper could be read with profit.
Introduction – an introductory statement of the purpose of the paper, usually describing the hypothesis that will be tested and a summary of related previous work by others.
Related Work (Literature Review) – what have been done by other researchers in area your paper dedicated to.
Methods (Research Methodology) – the methods that are used to test the hypothesis should be given in sufficient detail that another researcher in the field could duplicate the testing.
Results (and Future Work) – the hypothesis should be tested and data representing the results of the testing presented.
Conclusion – the data should be discussed and the results interpreted, and conclusions given.
Acknowledgements – optional
References – cited references in the bibliography must be included, and written in the English Language
Original papers not being submitted to journals or other conferences will be considered at the peer review process. Overall Review cycle consists of: pre-Review (Screening), Peer Review and post-Review (depending on TPC decision). All the submitted Full Papers will be reviewed by Peer Review Committee and assessed on the basis of originality, significance, correctness, technical soundness, clarity of expression, presentation and relevance. We encourage authors to present novel ideas, critique of existing work, and practical studies and experiments. Accepted authors will be notified according to Important Dates
Authors also should adhere strictly to the format instructions. The Technical Program Committee reserves the right to reject (based on post-Review) even accepted papers of the author(s) that do not fully comply IEEE and SIST2025 International Conference requirements at the final stage:
- author is not following ethical standards and plagiarism terms
- paper has not been presented
- paper is written in poor English language
- registration fee has not been paid in time
- paper doesn’t meet the IEEE quality standards
- paper is not strictly following to formatting requirements
- author does not take into account in final paper (Camera Ready) reviewers’ requirements in an acceptable manner.
More information on paper acceptance criteria can be found at Be a Peer Reviewer
All accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
FAQ regarding indexing:
- In which index and abstract databases does IEEE include bibliographic records?
- Is IEEE Xplore content indexed and searchable via Google and other indexing services?
- Does all of IEEE’s conference content automatically get indexed by Elsevier, Thomson, and IET?
- Will all my accepted papers be included in IEEE Xplore?
In accordance with academic and professional protocols and the IEEE requirements, SIST2025 International Conference cannot accept a paper if it is not the author’s original work, has been published before, or is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. The article must not contain any libelous or unlawful statements or in any way infringe the rights of others. All authors must declare they have read and agreed to the content of the submitted paper.
IEEE defines plagiarism as the use of someone else’s prior ideas, processes, results, or words without explicitly acknowledging the original author and source. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and is considered a serious breach of professional conduct, with potentially severe ethical and legal consequences.
If an author is found to have committed plagiarism sanctions may be applied by IEEE. Individuals whose names are placed on the IEEE Prohibited Author List will not be allowed to organize or lead any IEEE sponsored activities such as invited conference sessions, distinguished lectureship, editorship of IEEE publications, paper reviewer for IEEE etc. The SIST2024 International Conference uses the CrossCheck plagiarism screening service to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. CrossCheck site is a multipublisher initiative to screen published and submitted content for originality.
Official and working language of the SIST2025 Conference: English
Presenters must be at the designated room of your session 15 minutes before it begins, so that you can meet your session chair and the other speakers in advance.
It is most important to be within strict time constraints to allow the presentation to fit within the allotted time period. However, if needed, the session chairman will ensure that these time limits are strictly observed. Each paper has an estimated time slot up to 15 minutes for presentation, and an additional 5 minutes for questions and answers.
Overhead and LCD projectors, as well as laptops, will be available in all oral presentation conference rooms. Other equipment will be provided at the presenter expenses if a request is being made. Please kindly forward any such request to the secretary of the conference at
Presenters should bring their compatible presentation files stored on a USB-drive/CD-ROM/DVD. Presenters are kindly requested to upload their files into the laptop at least 15 minutes before the start of the session, if you do not bring your own laptop. Presenters are also kindly requested to test the functionality of the presentation before the beginning of the session. It is strongly recommended that presenters bring along transparencies as a backup.
If an author is not sufficiently fluent in English to present his (her) paper, translation support from colleagues can be used. Under no circumstances should other language be used than English in presentation-slides.
To be published in the IEEE SIST2025 Conference Proceedings and to be eligible for publication in IEEE Xplore, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the fill or limited (member or non-member) rate and the paper must be presented by an author/coauthor of that paper at the conference.
If neither you nor a coauthor can present an accepted paper, inform us as soon as possible so TPC Chair/General Chair grants permission for a substitute presenter in advance of the event and who is qualified both to present and answer questions. Papers that are not presented by their authors at a SIST2025 International Conference are not published. It is essential that the SIST2025 attendees have an opportunity to discuss your work with you.
IEEE non-presented paper policy: “IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.”
In registering for the conference you agree that neither the Organizing Committee nor the Conference Secretariat accept any liability. For people planning to attend the conference, an entrance visa may be required and you should contact the nearest Embassy or Consulate for more information. Participants are requested to make their own arrangements in respect of health and travel insurance. The organizers do not accept responsibility for any personal injury, damage or loss of property that may occur in connection with this conference. All participants are advised to arrange international health insurance before departure from their home countries.
The SIST2024 International Conference organizers reserve the right to cancel the conference and/or tutorials due to unforeseen circumstances. Liability of SIST2025 is limited to the return of conference and/or tutorial fees. Should you be unable to attend, a substitute participant is welcome at no extra charge, but you need to notify the conference administrators in advance. For cancellations on or before registration deadline, a 50% refund will be made. No refund will be made for cancellation after the registration deadline.
- Introduction to the Guidelines for Handling Plagiarism Complaints
- Authors Rights and Responsibilities
Regular Author Registration Includes: Paper presentation, proceedings volume part (where your paper is published), proceedings flash card, attendance to all sessions, conference program, name tag, coffee breaks, certificate of participation and small handbag.